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Maya, Redshift
Used Object IDs and shader switches to toggle between pool floatie materials
MASH to scatter beach items (shells, rocks, stars, grass) and slight hue variation with user data id
Lots of shader layering! - e.g., ocean water and ocean "foam", towel with graphic and seams, even the margarita glass with salted rim....

based off of Trish Coonrod's still life work:
Lookdev Process & Lighting Breakdown
Experimenting with Looking Glass hologram with re-built Unity shaders and render elements. Next, adding interactivity with a Leap Motion!
Leap motion interactivity - with Unity! :)
Maya, V-Ray, Nuke

Responsible for all softgood/keyboard lighting

Responsible for all softgood/keyboard lighting

Responsible for keyboard "deck" lighting (not back panels) and iPad

Used nCloth for fabric modelling; generated cloud VDBs in Houdini; experimented with Redshift sheen, and a couple gobos

Maya, Redshift, Houdini
Maya, Redshift, After effects
Using animated displacement for water ripples
Animated character with wave deformers; breakdown video below

Maya, Redshift, Substance Painter

Maya, Redshift, After effects

Lab on a Chip, March 2020 Issue

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, June 2020 Issue

ACS Analytical Chemistry, September 2019 Issue

Journal of Minerals, Metals & Materials, October 2019 Issue
Maya, Redshift, After effects. Data provided by LLNL scientists.
Click on images to enlarge

Maya, Redshift
Redshift Curvature to drive noise displacement on egg white and oil edges (hypershade snippet below)
Experimented with Maya 2023 boolean system and retopo'd as needed